Audi, Mercedes, Porsche, BMW Forum

Welcome to the newly launched community for German Performance car lovers. The site is in it's launch phase at the moment and so content and membership is small (but growing). Soon we'll have competition prizes and and a live ad campaign to help build the community. If you'd like to be apart of what's going on, sign up and join in!

Web performance


Staff member
Hi Guys,

Thought I'd share a few metrics with you.

Where we currently are with the site is that Google is directing users to us for certain search terms. This means that users are typically finding us when they are searching for something specific and Google displays something in the results that's relevant. For us to get to the point that we appear when users simply search for "German car forum" or "audi forum" etc, takes an awful long time. So right now, relevant content is key, as well as word-of-mouth on other platforms, whether that's Facebook Groups, Instagram or mentions on other relevant websites and forums.

Currently the we're seeing the most visitors to the following pages, as a result of them searching for information on these topics in Google:

So it seems that the type of content that's bringing the most users is stuff that's topical or stuff that people are searching for answers for.

After the New Year we'll be investing a bit of cash again on advertising and web optimisation, that along with content will help us grow more over the next 12 months. You'll see a few very minor tweaks to the site interface as well.

Also if there are any specific features or functions that you'd like to see on the site, like us know and we'll do our best to make it happen.

All the best from the Janitor and the cleaning crew! ;)